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Mud Habits

The More Mud You Throw at the Wall... The More Sticks

If you are seeking tips and tricks to help with chaos and mess of daily life, I am here to help.

A familiar adage often shared by my band director was "The more mud you throw at a wall, the more sticks."  I have applied this to positive changes or attempted changes in my life.  As I come across ideas and systems for organization, I attempt many, modify some, and a few actually stick.

I no longer search for my keys.  I have a hook by the door and I have trained myself to place my keys on the hook as the first thing I do when I come into the house and its the very last thing I grab on the way out of the house.  It is now an utterly unconscious habit.  So, for me, that is a bit of mud that stuck on the wall.   I consider that a Mud Habit.

Close Up of Inside of Rose Blossom
Seagull on Post Squawking


Located in North Austin

  • Senior Pictures

  • Headshots

  • Event Photography

  • Pet Photography

  • Nature Photography

  • Other


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In addition to photography....

Computer/Technology Help and Instruction
Online Reselling - How to Start (eBay,Facebook Marketplace, Mercari, Poshmark)
Proofreading (Essays, Resume, Manuscripts, Advertising Copy....)
Brainstorming Business Add-Ons and Ideas
Process Improvement (Any and All Processes and Workflows)
Critical Listening
Conflict Consultation
Creating Instructions and Documentation for Processes


Short Cat Chase
Cat Attaching Stuffed Bear
Cat Flip Attack
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